Work Experience

- Leadership Facilitator for the Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery Company (SASREF) Leadership Development Program in Saudi Arabia. (2025)

-Creator and Leadership Facilitator of the Saudi Aramco Total Refining and Petrochemical Company (SATORP) Mentoring Program in Saudi Arabia.

-Leadership Facilitator for the MARAFIQ Leadership Development Program in Saudi Arabia. (2024)

-Executive Coach for Botswana Post Executive Team. (2024-current)

-Leadership Coach for senior leadership team in KPMG Bahrain. (2023-2024)

-Strategic Leadership Facilitator for Standard Bank Group, Group Finance Insurance and Asset Management. (2022-2024)

-Leadership Facilitator on the Standard Bank Finance Digital Transformation Programme (#Reinvent Revolution). (2020-2023)

-Strategic Leadership Facilitator for Touchsides South Africa, a subsidiary of Heineken (2022) and Novo-Nordisk Executive Team South Africa (2023).

-Executive Coach and Coach Supervisor on the Transnet Talent Executive Coaching Programme. (2019-2020)

-Leadership Coach and Facilitator to USAID Leadership Teams in Uganda. Executive Coach to USAID managers in Ethiopia and Uganda. (2018)

-Leadership Coach to the Edgars and Jet Senior Leadership Teams. Designed and Facilitated Team Effectiveness Journeys for the Edgars and Jet teams. (2016)

-Designed and facilitated a Leader as Coach and Mentor programme for leaders in PRASA. Supervised 46 coaches and 84 coaches on the programme. (2017-2018)

-Designed and facilitated a transformational leadership journey for SABN executives, HODs and Section Managers. Leadership Facilitator and Executive Coach to the MD and senior leaders at the South African Bank Note Company. (2016–2022)

-Designed and facilitated a Leadership Group Coaching Programme as part of a Top 100 leadership programme in Edcon. (2014-2018)

-Designed and facilitated a Servant Leadership Programme for Bridgestone leaders, a Japanese owned company – senior executives, middle managers and supervisors. (2017)

-Designed and facilitated a leadership programme for the Eskom Leadership Institute for 517 managers in Eskom. (2013-2016)

-Designed and facilitated a personal mastery programme for FirstRand. (2016)

-Facilitated BHP Billiton Energy Coal (an Australian owned company) Change Leadership Programme to managers across all operations. (2013)

-Designed and facilitated a leadership development programme and internal activation campaign for Telkom. (2011)

-Designed and facilitated a strategic leadership alignment intervention for Blue Financial Services. Master Facilitator at the rollout to 300 employees. (2010)

-Designed and accredited a team of facilitators to run a Financial Management module for 800 managers in Eskom. (2014-2015)

-Designed and rolled out a Schools Leadership Programme for Principals and School Management Teams across 25 schools. (2014)

-Senior Leadership Consultant in EY (Ernst & Young) (2013-2021)

-Human Resources Development Manager in BHP Billiton South Africa (2012-2013)

-Change Lead for the implementation of a Learning Management System in BHP Billiton South Africa. (2012)

-Designed and facilitated a leadership development programme and internal-activation campaign for Telkom. (2011)

-Designed and facilitated a Culture Alignment Programme for SEDA (Small Enterprises Development Agency). (2010)

-Developed an information campaign to inspire, educate and motivate 15,000 stakeholders in the national airports community in preparation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. (2010)

-Developed a Strategic Leadership Alignment Programme for The Unlimited World, designed a Facilitator Guide for 100 managers and Learner Guide for employees as part of the programme. Co-facilitated the strategic workshop to managers. (2010)

-Executive Consultant in LRMG Performance Agency. (2009-2012)

-Designed and facilitated learning experiences ranging from Business Acumen and Financial Management, to Leadership and Strategy, Vision and Values for clients across all industry sectors, at all levels, from Executive to shop floor. (1995-2015)

-Facilitated accounting and financial management workshops in the UK and South Africa for global and multinational brands, including Johnson & Johnson, Old Mutual, Woolworths and Baker McKensie. (1999-2002)

-Facilitated workshops for the Raymond Ackerman Academy, Technoserve, Chrysalis Academy and TsiBa Entrepreneurs. (1999-2002)

-Conducted Facilitator Accreditation programmes at PriceWaterhouseCoopers South Africa and Namibia and Color Accounting in the United States. (2002)

-Designed and facilitated Financial Management Workshops for the Department of Environment and Tourism and Cape Nature. Designed and Facilitated workshops for the Department of Water and Forestry to 250 participants across the organisational spectrum translated into 2 languages.

-Facilitated financial management workshops on company leadership programmes at Old Mutual, Metropolitan and Woolworths. Facilitated financial management and accounting courses at Wits Business School and the USB-ED (Stellenbosch Business School)

-Lectured Financial and Management Accounting at the UCT Graduate School of Business. (2001- 2003)

-Lectured Financial Accounting at the University of Cape Town. (1996,1999-2003)